Current Affairs

The Tory Circus: A Dark Comedy of Political Chaos

Posted on October 11, 2024

You’ve got to hand it to the Tories – only they could make a complete mess of tactical voting. Rumour has it that James Cleverly was the one most of them wanted, but somehow, the final showdown is between two of the nutcases who helped drive voters screaming for the hills. This must be a welcome sight for Keir Starmer, who’s taken to his new gig like a duck to the desert. Some say his mistakes have been minor, but failing to realise that ...

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Time to Stop Bullying Liz Truss… and Maybe Get Her Sectioned?

Posted on October 1, 2024

After seeing Liz Truss yesterday, I couldn’t help but wonder if it’s time we stopped bullying her and just got her sectioned instead. She looked madder than ever at the Tory conference, wandering in as if she were relevant—blissfully unaware that she was more of a comedy act than a politician. People were literally queuing around the block to have a good laugh at her. A Delusional Grand Entrance As she marched towards the auditori...

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Why Not Take Gifts? Because Nothing is Free!

Posted on September 26, 2024

The Great Hamper Incident Many years ago (about 30, but who’s counting?), I worked for a company that seemed to have a bottomless budget for football tickets and corporate gifts. One particular client was Devon County Council, and I was tasked with delivering a Christmas hamper to a contact there. Easy job, eh? Wrong. The guy reacted as if I’d just tried to smuggle a crate of AK-47s into his office. He practically threw the hamper ...

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Serco: Superheroes or Supervillains – Outsourcing, Alleged Fraud, and Why Gary Lineker Is the Real Problem!

Posted on September 15, 2024

A Day at the Hospital: Heart Check-ups and Starmer’s NHS Sermon  So, the other day, I took my dad to Southampton Hospital for a routine heart check-up. Casual stuff for him at 92? On the way there, good ol' Keir Starmer was delivering one of his riveting speeches, this time on the NHS. I mean, nothing screams excitement like a political rant on healthcare during a family outing to the hospital. He threw out this catchy phrase about fixing ...

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The Impact of Lack of Investment and Poor Prison Salaries

Posted on September 11, 2024

There has been a lot of outrage in the last couple of days regarding prisoners getting 10% knocked off their sentences. Why is this? Well, the UK prison system is, quite frankly, a clusterfuck. Overcrowding has become a serious crisis, and while prisoner numbers are part of the story, the real problem lies in two things: years of underinvestment and appallingly low pay for prison staff. Together, these have created the perfect storm—too many ...

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