
Why Do England Struggle in Group Stages at Major Tournaments?

Posted on June 26, 2024

As a chez lounge supporter of the England football team, it’s both perplexing and, let’s be honest, occasionally bloody annoying to watch the squad’s recurring struggles against teams that the tabloids label as "minnows" during major tournaments. I have attempted to look what's behind this phenomenon, whilst trying to keep my sense of moderate optimism intact (what else can we do when the football appears to be so lacklustre?). Psych...

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Angela Rayner’s Checkout Catastrophe Resurfaces

Posted on April 10, 2024

In a bombshell revelation shaking the foundations of British politics, it has emerged that Labour stalwart, Angela Rayner, committed a checkout faux 15 years ago at a Tesco store in Lancashire. The long-buried incident, now brought to light, details how Rayner, then a humble shopper, brazenly attempted to slide through ELEVEN items at a "ten items or less" checkout lane. Linda McCartney Pie Shockingly the extra item was a solitary Linda ...

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Living Life in a Soundbar Paradise

Posted on March 31, 2024

So, feeling a tad guilty (and quite peeved) about my Amazon addiction, I recently vowed to re-embrace the brick-and-mortar shopping experience. Cue my adventure at Currry's for a new soundbar, because apparently, I'm now a real-life retail explorer again. I walked in, got escorted to the soundbar section by an actual human, and was promised a salesman shortly. But alas, stock was as scarce as humble politicians, yet I picked one out eventually ...

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Will it Ever Stop Raining?

Posted on March 27, 2024

I’m starting to panic about the rain never stopping. Are we in a permanent state of wetness courtesy of global warming? The records just keep tumbling. In the past year, it feels like we've seen more rain than a tropical rainforest during monsoon season. The jet stream seems to have taken up permanent residence above our heads, treating us to an endless barrage of downpours. A look ahead offers no respite. More rain and no dry spell in ...

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Remembering the Forgotten Fallen

Posted on November 11, 2023

By coincidence, I walked past the little ‘Lest We Forget’ monument in St Mary Bourne yesterday. It is ever so well looked after and features, staggeringly, around 45 people from just this one small parish who were killed between 1914-1918. As I read through the names, I couldn’t help try and think of them individually. Who were the brave and foolhardy, who were the pacifists who didn’t want to die and kill others, and who were the ...

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