Posted on September 3, 2008


  • Eating too much fatty food
  • Feeling the waistline spreading
  • Tried Weightwatchers
  • Tried On Line Diets
  • Taken annual gym membership and attended once

If you have attempted all the above and failed, we have the ultimate DD (Divorce Diet) for you. You will see the pounds fall off as you:

  • Watch your partner go off with someone else
  • Worry about the kids future
  • Struggle to pay household bills
  • Sleep approximately 1 hour per night
  • Struggle to swallow solids
  • Lose your ability to work properly

This stress induced diet is guaranteed get weight off the fattest individuals and is completely free of charge. If you don’t believe us, see what DD customers said.

“My husband ran of with a lap dancer and I managed shed two stone in 9 weeks” Mrs Su Icidal, Essex

“I caught the plumber checking out my wife’s drainage, I am now homeless, jobless, and two stone lighter” Mr Hugh Miliated, Southampton YMCA

“I caught my wife banging her boss in his Bentley which set me well on the way to losing two and a half stone in a month” Mr Homer Less, Gloucester

My wife pissed of with a younger bloke and took me for everything I had, and despite being as fit as a butchers dog I lost two stone, and all my friends think I have cancer. Thanks DD. Mr Fuctover, Broadmoor Mental Hospital

These are just a few of our happy members, so don’t delay, divorce today, and you will be a shadow of your former self in a matter of weeks.

Divorce Diet Ltd is a UK registered company.

Please send me a free DD brochure (34.95 per month forever) Yes/No

Please email details of offers on revolvers, hosepipe, and rope. Yes/No

Please subscribe me to contract killing monthly. Yes/No

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