What Lovely Weekend

Posted on December 8, 2008

spent the weekend in the depths of Hampshire as I had no children this week. No disasters, or funny events to report, just a great night out with a big group of us in Winchester on Saturday, and some lovely wintry pics from the test valley in Broughton, Stockbridge and Chilbolton plus one I took in Charvill, near Reading this morning (bottom pic). When I was driving back from Broughton yesterday I just had to stop and walk in the fresh air for an hour, it was lovely, I kind of felt like I needed a labrador for company. The weather in Britain is often grey and dreary, but when you get weekends like the one just gone, it makes you appreciate what a lovely place Hampshire is, if only the seasons were always like this, cold sunny winters followed by warm sunny summers, but then we wouldn’t appreciate weekends like this one I suppose. Enjoy the pictures (Click to enlarge).

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