A Few Days in the Purbecks

Posted on July 21, 2016

My tens of regular readers will have noticed that I have not been blogging for a few days, however,don’t worry, I am not dead just yet, I have been away on a campervan trip with my youngest son, Harry.

If you have not been to the Isle of Purbeck before, you really should, as despite only being 6o odd miles away, it feels a lot further, probably due to the rolling Dorset coastal hills and the lack of dual carriageways, let alone motorways.

It has become one of my favourite destinations because apart from the strangely alluring Victorian seaside town of Swanage, there are amazing hill walks and countless little hidden beaches and quirky pubs, such as the quite wonderful Square and Compass in Worth Matravers, a place where I was once told by a chap that he was not a local as he came from Swanage, a whole two miles down the road.

If you have a dog (or even if you don’t) you can walk for miles on end without seeing anyone, with views that are about as spectacular as they come as you look over Swanage Bay, Corfe Castle, Old Harry Rocks and out towards Portland Bill, it really is a cracking place.

So anyway, I won’t go on, I will just let you admire the pictures I expertly put together on YouTube with music provided by The Streophonics with ‘Have a Nice Day’ which I think is quite apt.

I do these for my dad, who has a huge love of the countryside but can’t get out and about so much these days, but I hope you enjoy it too.

1 Reply to "A Few Days in the Purbecks"

  • Nick
    July 21, 2016 (5:28 pm)

    Love that area. Good golf too

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