A Politics Education Curriculum in State Schools?

Posted on July 1, 2016

In what has been an extraordinary week, Friday has arrived the two main political parties in utter disarray. It has gone from to despair, to madness and finally, slapstick comedy, with politicians stabbing each other in the back, stomach and head.

The withdrawal from the leadership contest by Boris Johnson yesterday should nullify the referendum result, as if it wasn’t for his popularity as a loveable buffoon, the Remain team would have coasted to victory.

This ringing endorsement from Michael Heseltine just about summed up the feelings to Johnson.

“Johnson was like a general, that led his army to the sound of guns, and at the sight of the battlefield abandoned the field.”

If that wasn’t enough, up pops the perennially detestable Michael Gove, who publicly stabbed the backstabber, announcing that he was the great man to take this country forward, not Boris, who was suddenly incapable.

“It had to fall to someone else. As someone who had argued consistently that we should leave the European Union, and as someone who’s experienced at the highest levels in the Cabinet, I felt it had to fall to me,”  said Gove, humbly.

Make no bones about, Michael Gove is a vindictive, opportunist little shit in the pocket of Rupert Murdoch; we really do not want him as an UNELECTED leader of Great Britain as we march headlong into the ‘Article 50’ minefield.

The fact that I am now championing Theresa May, is about as surreal as it gets.


Odious: Michael Gove

Ultimately though, it comes down to Boris and Dave, both pro-Europeans. This referendum should have never gone ahead and it certainly shouldn’t have been allowed to be a platform for a couple of Bullingdon Boys to thrash out their personal spat, which DC won on Friday morning by handing ‘Article 50’ to Boris, who knew at that moment he was screwed.

This whole pitiful affair has led me to reflect and think “what would have happened if the masses were educated in basic politics?”

I still believe that a large majority of ‘Out’ voters were educated conspiracy theorists or racists of varying odour, ranging from a slight whiff, to an eye watering stench. There will have been some who had concerns about financial corruption, dubious subsidies and TTIP but in general, if you asked someone why they voted, the only words you would hear in various sentences would have been bureaucrats, borders, Poles and £350 million.

If you asked someone when they were last affected by bureaucrats or borders, you would get shouted at. It happened to me a couple of times when all I was trying to do was see if I had missed a trick by voting to Remain. No one in the Leave corner appeared to have an argument of any substance.

So, why can’t we have placed on the state education curriculum, two hours a week where it is compulsory to study basic politics? They do it in many of the other countries in Europe.

Kids brains are like sponges and in no time, they could be taught the historical ideologies of the main political parties, parliament procedures, proportional representation, the structure of The House of Lords, Unions, public services, world trade, the EU pros and cons and all the other basics required to make voting decisions based on their own personal ideology.

Surely that is better than voting based on what Rupert Murdoch and Paul Dacre says?

The whole idea of democracy is that you have a leading party with a viable opposition to challenge and face down any proposals that are too draconian; that is why some of us carry opinions that come from both sides of the political spectrum. A strong leadership and a strong opposition is best for all; it really does work.

Because of what happened last week we have no leadership and no opposition after multitudes of MP’s gambled their, and more importantly, the country’s future, and have as a consequence of their actions, taken flight to the hills.

If the country had basic politics on its education curriculum, I don’t believe last week would have happened. With more knowledge, individuals would have seen through the stupid game Johnson was playing and been turned off by the sinister words of that odious little fascist, Nigel Farage.

In fact, I don’t think a referendum would have happened at all, as people who had learnt basic politics would have turned to the Government in power and said, “Okay so you are calling a referendum on Europe…why? Can I ask exactly what we are paying you for?”

British people are working, bringing up kids, looking after elderly parents and in between all that, they might like a holiday or a bit of relaxing by going fishing or playing cricket or something of the like. They have not got the time to study every intricate detail of the EU and uncover its faults and positives; that is what our government is elected to do.

With a basic knowledge of the political system I believe the public would have told the government to do what they paid them for and work out the best deal for the country. If that failed, they could vote them out and try someone else in five years time.

It really is time that politics is part of our education curriculum and although at the moment, it all seems a bit too late for that, maybe there is a way back from the catastrophe that has unfolded in the last week.

A week where an unelected leader will be charged with going to the EU with ‘Article 50’ and grovelling at their feet  to thrash out a deal for the benefits we used to get for nothing, without negotiation.

You couldn’t make it up.


1 Reply to "A Politics Education Curriculum in State Schools?"

  • Karen
    July 1, 2016 (9:47 am)

    Politics and international relations in schools should be taught – I’d sign in support of it BUT not not if Gove is writing the text books!

    He was scary enough at Education wanting control of the curriculum and what history was taught!

    id make it quite broad to include how tax system works , the benefits of thre NHS, and so forth. Also pointing out the human rights which Cameron opposed is nothing to do with EU membership.
    Some schools hold mini elections already so every few years when there is one a small number of kids know what each party stand for.

    But so much more should be done. I’d really make adults pass a basic knowledge on the issues before allowing them to vote too.

    The number of leavers who did so never expecting it is scary.

    So is the prospect of Gove as PM and writing a curriculum that no doubt will try to teach kids what to think and how to vote from his twisted perspective .

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