There Goes April 2017

Posted on April 30, 2017

Since getting a dog, I have learnt to enjoy all the seasons, the rain, frost, wind, sunshine, the lot. It really is a revelation having a pet that allows you to meander through fields, clocking up the miles without even knowing it.

However, April remains a favourite as this is when we are reminded that the trees do have leaves and colour spreads all around us by the day, leading us into a state of delusional anticipation of a glorious summer ahead.

Of course, this is rarely the case and after a dull day at the cricket ground and wet Bank Holiday Monday on the horizon, it is hard to remember that just two weeks ago the temperature nudged up to 25 centigrade and azure blue skies sat gloriously above.


The commencement of the cricket season generally puts paid to warmth and sunshine and there is nothing quite like a ball of red leather zinging towards my soft little fingers that are bereft of the manual labour required to harden them up for such foolhardy attempts at catching the nasty bastard of a thing.

So, without further ado, here is my video of the month of April in pictures, backed by Jackie Wilson with the quite wonderful ‘Sweetest Feeling’.

I chose this song as I can remember hearing it for the first time on a spring day around about 1987; it made me feel instantly young and vibrant, which of course, I was.

Of course, I am no longer young and vibrant but this song still reminds me of that brief period in life these young scallywags take for granted, proving that as the saying goes, youth is perennially wasted on the young.

I hope you enjoy it.

1 Reply to "There Goes April 2017"

  • Trevor
    May 1, 2017 (3:37 am)

    Youth is so wasted on the young. It’s a weird one isn’t it. As teenagers, young adults we’re more than happy to significantly poison our bodies with alcohol, tobacco (and *other things) and now I wake up every morning and see that the lines on my face resemble the depth of corduroy more and more each day.

    Compared to my kids who now (even though they’re only 8 and 9 cycle, swim and kick footballs better than me. I’m only left with the (somewhat weak) argument that I have age and experience on my side.

    Ultimately though would I change the way that I knackered my body when I was young Probably not. I do miss being able to pick things up off the floor without being out of breath though!

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