Sunday….The Last Day??????

Posted on August 18, 2008

After a biblical storm in the early hours we woke this morning to blue skies and hot sunshine. Thank you god. We have actually enjoyed doing the things families do on holiday such as playing table tennis, swimming in the pool (Harry did the slide unaided today) and lapping up the rays. Remarkably we have not really had any incidents in the last 24 hours though like the weather I suspect this to be a temporary respite. I did however have a funny ...

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Sunshine Returns As Depression Lifts

Posted on August 16, 2008

Yesterday had to come straight in at number one as officially the worst day of not just my holiday, but my entire life. Text messages and emails regarding both my personal and business life changed my mood from dark, to blacker than a Nigerians anus as the rained hosed down on my efforts to clean our mobile home ready for inspection. With my blood pressure now at it’s highest since a magic mushroom overdose in 1986 I wandered how I was going ...

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Lower Than A Snakes Belly

Posted on August 15, 2008

Today I am blogging from the confinement of my lonely room in a mobile home that is getting battered once again by persistent and heavy rain, my predictions from yesterday totally unfounded. I am most definitely not soaking up the sun with a cool beer in the company of nubile French ladies, and the chances of the Dutch tent being burnt down during the wettest 48 hours in Basque history are nil. In fact I took a look at our new home this morning ...

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The Good News and the Bad News

Posted on August 14, 2008

Today has been a roller coaster ride of misery and elation culminating in an empty feeling of depression that I need to snap out of for the sake of the children. Firstly it took me an age to find out exactly what was wrong with my car and whether it could be fixed by midday on Saturday. Things got bad around 2ish when the girl at reception informed me that the Garage had not yet had a look at my car, and were not sure that they would have time, ...

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Nervous Wait

Posted on August 14, 2008

Awoke this morning after a surreal dream involving a collapsed clothes horse, a broken down car and another deluge of rain..................................Oh no................ it wasn't a nightmare ............this was very real.After a great holiday the last couple of days have been something of a farce. My credit card has been stopped as I made my last payment to a card that I had reported lost/stolen and had been rejected (no one told me ...

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