Bath-Go there it’s great!

Posted on September 14, 2008

Had a brilliant time in Bath this weekend, enjoying great company and meeting loads of people both wonderfull and weird. Stayed at The Abbey hotel which was central, meaning everywhere was within walking distance. On Friday we went to a brilliant French restaurant where I enjoyed Sea Bass cooked to perfection. This was followed up with a crawl around the local bars and pubs, it is great to see that Bath has retained traditional pubs with good local beer, rather than selling out to shitty chains that serve crap beer and equally crap food.

Saturday was spent browsing the many independent shops and watching excellent street entertainers and buskers, before lunch and beers in a pub full of boisterous but friendly Bath and Gloucester rugby fans. The afternoon became another crawl, with conversations in different pubs with all manner of people from different walks of life. The evening was spent in a superb Morrocan restaurant with a seemingly wealthy couple in there late fifties who were both interesting and entertaining company. Then it was back to the hotel for drinks with a very drunk Lauren who had had an argument with her hen party friends over a round of drinks, and Carl and Claire a stereotypical bimbo of a couple from Hersham. Lauren had apparently paid £29 for a round and had not been bought a drink back, she told us this every ten minutes, but insisted she was not bothered about it, it was the principal of it you see. I guessed she was bothered about it……. quite a bit actually. I felt sorry for her, she claimed to be 28 but looked 50, the poor thing had been gifted the looks of an ageing bulldog, and to cap it all her mates had screwed her £29 she wasn’t bothered about!

This morning was spent resisting throwing up at the breakfast table, before a meander through the town where we watched a superb musical duet in the square before making the reluctant journey home. Incredibly, I had never been to Bath, it is a vibrant fun place to be in for people of any age, there is loads to do and see, loads of nice people, and I for one can’t wait to return. In fact I would love to live there.

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