Two Toddlers Light up a Dismal Week

Posted on September 11, 2008

Another week of dismal weather has been lightened by two toddlers. Firstly there was my visit to my best mates Kev’s house to see him and his lovely daughter Jasmine (pictured below) then there was the genius of 19 year Theo Walcott (also pictured) lighting up England’s world cup campaign with his blistering pace and finishing. I have been a fierce critic of England lately but last night I was more than happy to eat humble pie by the plateful as Walcott and his able assistant ( 21 year old Wayne Rooney) ripped Croatia to bits in a 4-1 battering. As Alan Hansen once said; “You win nowt with kids.” This has at least given us sports fans temporary respite from the hideous British weather that was threatening to put the nation in to a mass suicide pact, and still might. The other picture is a typical scene outside Harry’s school this week. Tonight I played 5 a side and us old gits put a load of youngsters in their place by losing 18-5. Off to Bath for the weekend tomorrow, apparently it is due to stay dry!!! Yeah yeah yeah!!

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