Posted on October 13, 2008

This weekend was a throw back to summer. Actually it wasn’t because we did not have a summer, but anyway it was lovely, about 20c and wall to wall sunshine. I had a childless weekend so as much as I miss them I made the most of it.
On Friday I went to Broughton (near Stockbridge) and attended a wine tasting evening for Sally and Bryn’s wedding anniversary with Diane, Brian, Lorraine, Ed, Penny, Kevin and Sean. I was a bit apprehensive about this as my wine tasting skills are judged by the following assessments at Sainsburys.

£2-£3, probably pretty shit…..correction, definitely shit
£3-£4, pretty shit but the odd decent offer
£4-£6, should be okay and often good offers
£6-£10, better be bloody nice for that price
£10 upwards, can’t tell the bloody difference from the £6-£10 bottles

However, our host apart, I was a relative culture vulture as no one else had a Danny La Rue what they were talking about either, and it turned out to be great fun and informative evening (well done Ed) resulting in what basically became a piss up. I will never drink sherry again!

Saturday was spent strolling in the sunshine around Broughton before going out to The Fox at North Waltham with Diane, Sam, Warren, Steve, Leslie and Nikki. Yesterday was spent walking/ kindly getting bought lunch at The Rowbarge down by the river Kennet at Woolhampton, and a fleeting visit to john and Heidi’s. I then did boys cricket practice last night where I was proud to discover two of the lads I coach have been put forward for district trials. Well done Julian and James.

Today has been wasted trying to prise work from recession hit electrical contractors before cooking tea for the boys from the fantastic Nora Sands kids food book, where I created probably the best sausage and mash meal I have ever had, which the boys duly demolished. A lady (you know who you are) who’s name I wont mention turns her nose up at this book (You will be able to purchase her copy at the Broughton village jumble sale) but she is a cracking cook. However if you are like me, a relative novice single Dad who enjoys good home cooking, there are some great step by step good, and inexpensive recipes to be had. I am definitely no Jamie Oliver, but you won’t see my kids eating shit food.

Pictures come from Broughton village.

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