Boys Weekend

Posted on October 5, 2008

It has been my turn with the boys this weekend and we have had a busy time of it at my new home. On Friday George had his first indoor cricket match of the season, however special thanks to Cove CC who didn’t bother showing up, and didn’t even have the courtesy to let us know they weren’t coming. You don’t get much ruder than that! We compensated for this by letting the boys play amongst themselves while we relaxed in the bar for an hour.

Yesterday was Burnley at home with both the lads, and we watched Reading Irish canter to their fifth straight home win of the season. I call them Reading Irish as this countries contingent of Noel Hunt, Steven Hunt, Kevin Doyle, and Shane Long, have contributed 19 goals already this season including all seven from the last two home victories. It was little wonder that when we were on holiday there were Irish kids with Reading shirts on all over the place. With London Irish Rugby also playing at The Madstad it surely can’t be long before Reading gets twinned with Cork or Dublin!

Last night I cooked a curry for the boys and we watched a bit of MOTD. The boys then crashed out but I couldn’t get tired so I stayed up with Steve and had a couple of Duchar 6.8% Organic beers which acted as anaesthetic and knocked me unconscious within in minutes of hitting the pillow. I remember nothing after that, even having Harry “The Jack in the Box” Lethaby in my bed couldn’t disturb me until 9.30 this morning. I think Colorectal Surgery could have been carried out on me and I would have slept through it, perhaps women should use this stuff for male date raping, its that strong, though remarkably it didn’t give me a hangover, is that is because it is organic??

Today has been wet and miserable so we have stayed in and watched a bit of TV played computer games etc. Tonight it is cricket coaching and hand the boys back time before an early night!! Pics are of boys devouring a curry, Harry and Zak Newton reading the match day programme and Reading coasting to victory.

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