Brian’s and Broughton Down

Posted on October 21, 2008

Phew, been a busy couple of days, hence the blog delay, these pics came from Brian and Lorraines nearly complete house, and Broughton Down near Stockbridge where we went on a lovely walk with Diane, Sally, Brian, Lorraine, Lesley, Kevin and Sean and god knows how many children. Anway, special thanks from the kids to Brian for letting them have a good old dig on his JCB and a good mess around with their labrador Saffi (George loves dogs). I had a go as well, but sensing my history of clumsiness Brian did not let me on for long, his and Lorris’s 75% built house 20 yards away, was 20 yards to near for his liking, and mine come to that!

Off to the footie tonight to see if The Royals can respond to their calamitous defeat at Preston on Saturday.

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