He’s So Fabio………..

Posted on October 17, 2008

What an inspired appointment Fabio Capello has been for England. From being apparent no hopers, posers, and dimwits, England all of a sudden look like a professional outfit, tacticly flexible, and capable of nullifying threat whilst looking dangerous going forward. There is not a Wag in sight, there is no mention of stupid nicknames like Bex, JT or Stevie G, and certainly no favouritism as witnesssed during the McLaren shambles. Capello is the boss, if a player isn’t performing, too bad, he is out (witness Michael Owen). Any business when the boss is too close to the workers struggles, as the workers always take the piss, Capello respects the players who perform, but he has no friends.

But what really impressed me the other night was his ability to spot a problem, and deal with it promptly and without fuss. Belarus were full of quick witted players, and they utilised a brilliant passing game that threatened to overrun England until Capello tweaked the system, forcing England on to their opponents quicker, giving them less time on the ball, and forcing errors killing off the threat to such effect that England dominated thereafter, and won at a canter. Steve Mclaren’s England would have lost that game, no question.

Well done Fabio, you have made an apparent shower of wankers look look like men who are being supremely paid to do a job properly, thet even sound more articulate when they are interviewed by the press!

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