Salmon Tikka With Cucumber Yoghurt

Posted on November 21, 2008

Jamie Oliver says make a healthy dish and pass the recipe to a friend, so here you are;

Serves 2

2 Naan Bread
1 fresh Chilli
A few sprigs of coriander
2 Salmon fillets
1 heaped tablespoon of currry paste
Half a Cucumber
Salt and Pepper
1 Lemon
4 Tablespoons of Yoghurt

Preheat oven to 110c. Put in Naan Breads until warm. Half deseed and chop chilli. Peel cucumber, deseed and roughly chop. Half lemon and squeeze juice in a bowl. Add yoghurt pinch of salt and pepper, and half of the chopped chilli. Pick the coriander leaves and put to one side.

slice the salmon into 1.5cm chunks and smear over the curry paste. Heat the frying pan lob some olive oil in over a high heat and cook the salmon for about a minute and a half each side untill cooked through.

place a warm naan bread on each plate and dollop on the cucumber yoghurt and place the trout on top. Scatter over the left over chilli, cucumber and the coriander, and another squirt of lemon.
Hey presto a healthy, tasty and filling meal.

I must say needed something healthy as I have been an alcoholic this week, and the weekend dont look a great prospect for being sober, we have Louise’s (my neighbour) surprise 40th at The Fox tonight, plus I have 24 friends joining me for a meal there again tomorrow night for a belated birthday celebration. Then I vow to stop drinking, smoking, and eating……….fuck it, no I don’t, I went to look at a job at an old peoples home on Wednesday and everyone stunk of piss and didn’t know what planet they were on, that’s well worth staying healthy for.!

“I didn’t drink, smoke, or take any risks in life, and saved all my money so I could stink of urine and get verbally and physically abused by my carers, and have a family who think I am a burden.”

Next week I will tell you about my experiences whilst jacking up on heroin.

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