What A Nice Birthday

Posted on November 19, 2008

I didn’t expect the birthday that I was treated to yesterday. Diane invited me over to Broughton for the evening and gave me such a lovely night. First of all she arranged for her Mum to come over so we could pop out for a drink at the Tally Ho, then she made me a really special meal (prawns followed by fillet steak) with a bottle of champagne. What I had done to deserve this I don’t know, but if you read this Diane, you are a top cook, and a top person, thank you for making me feel special, even though we did end up a bit sloshed.

The presents I recieved from Di suggested that though she likes cooking, the favour needs to be returned now and again. I recieved a Sheffield steel carving knife, an apron, and Jamie Oliver’s new book……..I get the message! Also secial thanks to Di’s Mum, the lovely Carol, for buying me a nice bottle of wine and some ferrero rocher chocolates, I shall save them for the the Ambassadors Reception

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