Back at Test Valley

Posted on September 15, 2009

Yesterday I did something beyond what I can afford at the moment, I rejoined Test Valley Golf Club and played my first full 18 holes of golf since my 40th birthday on 17 November 2007.

Alot has changed since then, but not my old sparring partner Tony, who is the same character as ever and we had a great afternoon. I also saw one of the other old boys I used to play with (John Page) who stopped me buying a new £30 golf trolley by saying I could have his one for free, as now he is an old bugger he has an electric one.
There was lots more nods and hello’s from people I had forgotten about over the last couple years, and it made me realise how much I had missed the place, it’s great to be back, it’s great to see John and Tony again. It really was like I had never been away, the only difference being that the last time I played in 2007 I shot a classy 79, this time I shot 99!!
Some work to be done one thinks!!!

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