Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted on December 24, 2009

All the snow is receeding now that milder air has moved in from the west, which is both a relief and a shame. We are now, on Christmas Eve, surrounded by slush and mud, which looks a bit depressing after all the snow, but at least people can now get around, which for most is a god send, but for some a bit of a blow, as it would have been an ideal excuse not to visit Auntie Maud on Christmas Day.
I have a bit of rushing around to do, but I have set up home in Broughton for a few days which is an idyllic place to spend Christmas, and I have the boys here for a day or two so it should be fun Then I intend to visit friends over the rest of the festive period. We are off for a few drinks and the church nativity later today, before a night in front of the fire, what more could you want for Christmas really (Olga from Strictly Come Dancing would be an unlikely bonus!!)
Anyway, to all you regular readers of my blog, try to have a Christmas without……….burnt dry turkey, domestic disputes, Roses chocolate induced vomiting, power cuts, burst pipes, 48 hour red wine hangovers, and nightmares brought on by half a pound of stilton. Stick to these rules then you should have a good time, if you want to ruin it, drink a bottle of Port and pick a fight with your parents. You can then spend Boxing Day full of remorse shaking like a shitting dog. The choice is yours, but I am going to try to be nice to people and see what happens. Watch this space…………………………………
Happy Christmas to you all.
Bob & Boys

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