Big Brother Versus the Whistleblowers

Posted on June 13, 2013

Right, first of all, let me apologise for the probable poor grammar and content of this post. This is because I am writing it on my girlfriends iPad.

The reason it is her iPad is because I don’t have one because in my wisdom I didn’t think I needed one and brought a kindle instead. Sadly, this money saving exercise was a false economy as my kindle is boring and iPads are great.

Now I have publicly admitted my misguided frugality, it is time to move on, get over it and write a brief post.

I have followed with great interest this week the case of Edward Snowden the American who has whistle blown on the CIA with regards to their intention of carrying out surveillance on every US citizen and not just criminals or terror suspects.

Now, the first assumption most people make is that if they have done nothing wrong there is nothing to fear. However, I think it runs deeper than that and I lend to the theory that if you are  a decent law abiding citizen it is your right in a democracy to have privacy.

Whilst most of us go about our day by working and spending time with our families there are those out there who are trying to expose corruption in big institutions and governments. These people are known as Whistleblowers and portrayed as enemies of the state and are ruthlessly targeted by those in power who are used to calling the shots.

The war between Whistleblowers like Snowden and the likes of the FBI and the CIA is a pivotal one and will ultimately decide the personal freedom of future generations. Snowden a 28 year old man of high intellect has put his life on the line to expose the fact that the USA, the alleged land of freedom and democracy, is in real danger of becoming a totalitarian state where freedom only exists if you are not allowed to express your concerns or opinions.

If that controlled surveillance becomes the norm, law abiding citizens will have, without choice, to suffer in the knowledge that at anytime, authorities can view private emails, bank accounts, business activities and any other activity on the Internet or mobile phones.

Anyone who challenges corruption in institutions will get targeted harassed and even put in prison on trumped up charges. If we allow this to happen, freedom has gone, goodbye, for keeps, forever.

Whistleblowers are not unpatriotic enemies of the State, they are extremely brave individuals who are risking a sinister death in the name of ensuring that our children and grandchildren can live in a world where they have the freedom to express opinion and challenge wrong doing without fear of persecution.

Whistleblowers are the heroes of the masses.

2 Replies to "Big Brother Versus the Whistleblowers"

  • Trevor
    June 13, 2013 (10:59 pm)

    Hi Bob,

    I’m writing this on an iPhone in a taxi which has just nearly crashed (screeching brakes) so my grammar might not be up to much either.

    Completely agree with your post. What I fInd interesting is that China who are always pilloried for human rights abuses seem to have opened up a lot more freedoms than ever before. People in China can now move freely around the country, go abroad and buy their own properties. A huge difference to their parents generation where the State told them what colour socks to wear.

    Obviously it’s still not a free state (no elections, no trade unions) but China seems to be going the right way while the US (& let’s face it the west in general) are going the opposite way with relation to civil liberties. China meanwhile gets richer, the West poorer are the two things related. I don’t know.

    I’m not clever enough to know or predict where it all ends, but it’s probably bad news!

  • Nick
    June 14, 2013 (6:28 am)

    Hi Bob, good thought-provoking post. I suppose one of the ironies in this is the role technology plays, both as the means by which Big Brother can operate and also a vehicle for whistleblowers to have maximum impact.

    I am very curious about the Bradley Manning case, have you kept tabs with that one? In addition to being either (a) hero or (b) villain, Manning has also been portrayed as (c) naive fool; something Snowden is clearly not.

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