My Computer is Back – So Am I

Posted on August 20, 2014

I am sure that it will be with a mixture of relief, heady excitement and uncontrollable joy, that you, my Blog readers, via email, will once again be able to receive confirmation of my updated posts.

A lot has happened since June and as a consequence, I am back in Basingstoke (Beggarwood) in a bachelor pad with a balcony that features stunning views that stretch from Kingsclere, across Oakley and it’s famous cricket club, on to the throbbing Festival Place and beyond, in fact, as far as the windmill adjacent to the Madejski Stadium.


Stunning: The View From My Balcony

I have travelled far and wide on this beautiful planet but nothing compares to Basingstoke, a cosmopolitan town that spreads joy through my veins on a daily basis.

Of course, one of the things that has happened is that I have only just re-established my relationship with my computer after spending the last few months with a laptop and an iPad to survive in business and maintain contact with the outside world as I once again, attempt to re-invent myself.

Those of you who follow this blog via Twitter or Facebook will have seen little change, but for you poor souls who rely solely on email correspondence for me to bring joy into your lives, I can only imagine the turmoil and misery you have had to endure over the last few months.

For that I can only apologise and by re-introducing you to my untamed wit, I am hoping it will offer at least some kind of compensation.

Of course, the pain has not only been yours, as today, I have had to trawl through no less that 2507 unread emails on my Microsoft Outlook, enduring everything from offers of hardcore pornography, Rolex watches and penis extension (not required) to long lost Nigerian relatives offering me £10 million in exchange for my bank details and my late mother’s maiden name.

There has been some really useless stuff on there too.

So, I would like to welcome you all back with my arms metaphorically open and I take unbridled pleasure in the fact that, once again, your lives will be fulfilled, and the pain you have suffered over the last few months will ease as at last, you can re-establish access to my ramblings.

I love you all.

Now, I must dash as I have an email from a 22 year old Russian supermodel who really fancies me and wants to get together…How lucky is that???

“Dear Annakova, thanks for getting in touch…of course I will buy your flight tickets…My Mothers maiden name is Brown and my Credit Card number is… “

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