Google and Its ‘Visually Similar Images’ Option

Posted on October 7, 2015

Wow, what a treat my readers are in for, as I just couldn’t resist writing a second post in in successive days after being introduced to the Google ‘Visually Similar Images’ option via my friend Trevor Hickman.

Trevor recently decided to use the new Google option to see what he could find to match a picture of him and his children out cycling and found, it has to be said, quite hilarious results.

With intrigue getting the better of me, I had to give this new technology a go and as you will see, the resemblance in some of these matches is quite staggering.

First up is one of me playing cricket.


Obviously at a first glance, it is difficult to tell who is who but without being unfair to Google, if you look closer, I am in fact, the one on the right.

Next up is quite tricky as we are both wearing a red top but once again I got the better of Google by noticing that I have never met the girl with the dark brown hair, unless of course it was a photo bomb?


Through fear of being accused of narcissism, I gradually started to add pictures of other people in an attempt to confuse Google but not to be outwitted, it continued to come up with what can only be described as dead ringers. Here is one of me and my girlfriend Jennifer, a match so perfect that I only sussed out the difference by seeing that in the background was the Agean Sea around Santorini, where we visited this year.


Finally, I tried a group shot with my friends, this one coming from a day out at Newbury Races late last year. Once again, it is hard to decipher who is who but rather alarmingly, the one on the right appears to show me being led away by the FBI.


Perhaps someone at the FBI is trying to tell me stop writing blogs about TTPI and government corruption or this is what will happen.

Either that or they think I have been working for FIFA!

1 Reply to "Google and Its 'Visually Similar Images' Option"

  • Trevor
    October 7, 2015 (2:09 pm)

    Fabulous work – they’re all so good but the FBI one is an absolute gem!

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