Corbyn Engulfed in Another Anti Semitic Row!

Posted on November 27, 2019

Jeremy Corbyn has been engulfed in another anti semitic crisis today after it emerged that a Labour Party member admitted to using inappropriate language towards the Jewish community 46 years ago.

Willie Eckerslike, a three pounds a month Labour Party member from Skippingdale, Cumbria, confessed to using the term ‘Jew’ when his school friend wouldn’t lend him 10p to buy a school dinner in 1973.  

Dinner Money Row

The incident happened when Eckerslike’s friend, Roy Bikesaddle wouldn’t give him a temporary loan after he forgot his school dinner money. It is claimed by Eckerslike that they were given detention but remained friends throughout school.

Our research shows that after leaving school, Eckerslike went on to have a career in the nuclear power industry. During the late 1970’s and 80’s he was a UNION MEMBER who once went on STRIKE over poor working conditions. Blatant COMMUNIST tendencies that would indicate he continued to be anti semitic.


When questioned by our reporter Eckerslike said, “I admit to calling Roy a Jew, it was a common expression used at state schools back then, but it is certainly not one I would use now. I’m just an average bloke who wants to be left alone’.

However, when pushed about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, Eckerslike said that “I don’t know much about it to be honest, but it does seem a bit unfair when a Palestinian bloke with a catapult gets run over by someone in a tank”.  

Proof, if were needed, that antisemitic leopards don’t change their spots.

Apologies and Statements

At the time of writing, Jeremy Corbyn still hasn’t apologised on behalf of Willie Eckerslike, whilst Tory Leader, Boris Johnson, made the following statement.

“In the Conservative Party, every piccaninnie, letterbox and tank top bum boy should be free from prejudice and as consequence of that, we, we, we…will, will, will…get this, this…oven ready Brexit….DONE!”

1 Reply to "Corbyn Engulfed in Another Anti Semitic Row!"

  • Karen
    November 27, 2019 (5:30 pm)

    Hear he was once in a crowd scene caught by telly cameras for 5 seconds at a football match that rumour has it someone who was also thought to support the same team may have been related to a bloke who’s neighbour it is said there is a possibility used the same bus as Corbyn . That and as Both he and Corbyn have been on telly . Must be linked . Not a word of apology from Corbyn !

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