UPDATE! Yep You Guessed it!!!

Posted on August 18, 2008

Hooray for the French Mechanic, my car is officially not ready, I can hardly control my elation! From “trying” to get it fixed on Saturday he is now “hoping” to get it done tomorrow, on top of that I have at present nowhere for us to stay, it’s too good to be true. I have gone from Mobile home, to tent,to park bench in 3 days. Can anyone beat that.

I will be a subject on Mastermind in years to come. “Your specialised chosen subject?”. “The varying disasters of Bob Lethaby 1967-2008”.

“Question one………before committing suicide in 2008, how many disasters did Lethaby encounter on a trip to France”

“Was it 17?”

“Correct answer”

Quite when and how this all going to end I dont know, but I suspect my blood pressure reading would suggest that it will be in a coffin. Hopefully I will get the boys home to their Mum first!!!

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