More Freezing Fog Pics

Posted on January 10, 2009

Sorry to be a bore, but in my 41 years on this planet I have not seen many more spectacular pictures of our beautiful countryside than this, the pictures don’t really do it justice, but are nice all the same. This is winter as it should be, even if it does finish off a few pensioners.

3 Replies to "More Freezing Fog Pics"

  • Trevor and Amy
    January 12, 2009 (5:46 am)

    Forecast for the week ahead in Canberra

    Wednesday fine,sunny.
    Min 18 Max 38

    Afternoon thunderstorm. Min 19 Max 36

    Fine, mostly sunny.
    Min 16 Max 31

    Fine and sunny
    Min 12 Max 26

    Fine and sunny
    Min 13 Max 28

    Monday Fine and sunny
    Min 13 Max 33

  • Bob Lethaby's Blog
    January 12, 2009 (1:43 pm)

    Sounds awful, Wolves getting the jitters Trev?

  • Trevor and Amy
    January 13, 2009 (12:40 am)

    It was always going to go belly up at some point – just hope we can hold onto a play-off spot!

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